In the covid-19 disaster, we are deprived of direct connections with people and forced to live within a small area around our homes. Nevertheless, we are managing to get out little by little and are recovering our connections with people and with the city. What has changed significantly is probably the way we work. The office space of the past has had to change. Therefore, we thought that by extending and using the city as an office as it is, we could maintain and rather extend the connection between people and the city in the after covid-19 world.

Because of COVID-19, our living area is expanding around our houses and shrinking around office. It is friquently said that our workstyle become more free although we work in our houses, offices, and cafe in the end.

With the help of the development of technology, we need few items such as a laptop to work when we are in the environment with power supply and wifi network. Although of course it depends on the content of their tasks, it is easy to work casually more and more.

If we work with only a desk and a laptop, it is truly possible to work wherever we prefer to. The necessities such as a printer to print some documents or a wider desk to talk with some people will be left our office and the connection between the places we stay expand exponentially.
Then, people work more freely and encounter what we couldn't expect.
01. Train as Short-Time Office
Site: Yamanote Line
Type: Standing Desk
Site: Yamanote Line
Type: Standing Desk
Recently almost all the people in the train usually use their phone to play games, read articles, watch movies, send mails to client, and chat with their colleagues on app. Some use their laptop to take care of the small stuffs. This desk helps them to spend their time more efficiently and change their commute time into work time.

02. Waiting Stand
Site: Gotanda Sta.
Type: Standing Desk
Site: Gotanda Sta.
Type: Standing Desk
One of the most tiring time is when we wait a train on a platform. But it is very suitable time to toss of the tasks or to continue to think or do the stuffs we stop to get off the train. It is also used to cope with the emergency tasks.

03. Wider Handrail Stand
Site: West Ikebukuro Park
Type: Handrail, Standing Desk, Playground Equipment
Site: West Ikebukuro Park
Type: Handrail, Standing Desk, Playground Equipment
Green helps us get rid of our fatigue and stress. When we can't get motivated, to take a walk contribute to our relaxation. After lunch, a little loafing on the job give us good condition.

04. Yoyogi Park Office
Site: Yoyogi Park
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
Site: Yoyogi Park
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
If you work alone in your house, a park can be better environment to concentrate with moderate relaxation. What is different between ordinary office and this park office?

05. Relaxing Workplace
Site: Shinbashi, Minato Sakura Park
Type: Bench
Site: Shinbashi, Minato Sakura Park
Type: Bench
If you work alone in your house, a park can be better environment to concentrate with moderate relaxation. What is different between ordinary office and this park office?

06. Personal Box
Site: Iidabashi
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
Site: Iidabashi
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
Have you ever conveived an idea when you walk around? Then you go back to your office or house. If there are some tiny space to work on the road, you immediately immerse yourself in giving shape to your idea.

07. Work Street
Site: Marunouchi
Type: Desk, Chair, Space, Power Supply
Site: Marunouchi
Type: Desk, Chair, Space, Power Supply
If you work alone in your house, a park can be better environment to concentrate with moderate relaxation. What is different between ordinary office and this park office?

08. Temple Office
Site: Zenkoh-ji, Omotesando
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
Site: Zenkoh-ji, Omotesando
Type: Desk, Chair, Space
Temple is once the place people get together and play many roles for community. We can have a meeting or small workshop in this unit. People around this temple gradually come to each other and make communities other than their office.

09. Open Work Stand
Site: Nihonbashi
Type: Standing Desk
Site: Nihonbashi
Type: Standing Desk
Have you ever conveived an idea when you walk around? Then you go back to your office or house. If there are some tiny space to work on the road, you immediately immerse yourself in giving shape to your idea.